
Balnelogical resort which surrounds Kharagauli Forests is located at 800-900m above sea level. It is a place to improve health with a unique climate thanks to mixed coniferous-leaf bearing forest. Healing properties are climate and strongly alkaline water. The water is strongly recommended to those who is suffering with skin disease or disease affected by emotional disorder. Water is penetrate deeper the skin and loosens dead skin cells.

  • Курорт Нуниси
  • Туры в Нуниси
  • Водопад Нуниси
  • Нуниси
  • Нуниси Грузия

There is a church of XII century in Nunisi, which had built by order of David the Builder, in recognition for the places and healing water. Temple of Holy Mother of IX-X century in Nunisi is functioning at the moment.
According to popular belief Nunisis’s water had used from medicinally point of view already in the first part of IX century.

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